Thursday, July 5, 2012

Total Recall ... or lack thereof

Wow ... I hadn't realized how much time had passed since the last post. I guess things got a little crazy ... hmmm. Oh well. Now is as good a time as any to get caught up.

Apparently the last big shebang that occurred was the debate over why Hello Kitty lacked a mouth (which I must say has become a silence breaker for me in recent awkward moments). Now that Summer vacation in 4 weeks in it is a bit rough to remember some of the "good times" that have taken place. So this post will be a pathetic attempt to recall yet another school year that has come and gone.

Ok ... after several minutes of deep contemplation I can't seem to remember much from the months of February, March, April, or May. But following are a few moments that come to mind that either made me chuckle, made me insane, or made me question my career (most of the time it's all three).

Moment 1: I had a little girl who would constantly make sure she was sitting right by my feet during carpet time. Why? So she could rub the tops of my feet. Disturbing? YES!! I tried the tender approach of asking her multiple times to stop. When she didn't, I moved her as far away as possible. But, like the cat who came back ( .... check this out if you didn't catch my reference), she ALWAYS found her way back to my feet and would rub them. Truly one can only handle that so much before they lose it!! So I snapped on her and asked why she continues to rub my feet after I have asked her to stop. She just stared back and me and said "It's my hobby!" ... wonderful. I mean I guess she's thinking outside of the box.

Moment 2: Speaking of boxes that brings me to this next gem. Towards the end of the year I always do a writing/science piece based around rocks. Each student is given a rock (yes a real one BUT with each rock comes great responsibility). They are to name the rock and write a story about their pet rock using what they learned during science, their 5 senses (minus tasting ... so 4 senses), and any thing else that is pertinent to the topic. The kiddos really get into rocks after this activity (which is why I ONLY do it at the end of the year). They bring me rocks on a daily basis and love adding to the collection. Well a few boys took it to a whole new level. I go to pick up my kids at from P.E. The teacher asks me to come see what he found. Looking at the group of boys at the end I knew it could be ANYTHING ... ANYTHING! They are known for their unique abilities to accomplish the unthinkable. The P.E. teacher asks the boys to empty their pockets. They stare at him but do nothing. He says "NOW!" so they start pulling handfuls of rocks from their pockets. They practically had a rock quarry at their feet!! When I asked them why they told me they thought the rocks were cool and wanted to add them to the collection. For the remainder of the year I had to perform a daily rock pocket check before entering the building.

Moment 3: If there's one thing I can't handle in the classroom it's throw up. I stress all stinkin year that if you think you are going to throw up just GO TO THE TRASH CAN. You don't have to ask or anything. But how does they year always go. Don't ask for anything EXCEPT for where to go when you need to throw up. So one day I had a kid who was looking a little pale and kept complaining about his tummy. I sent him to the nurse but he returned about a half hour later. He still looked awful! I asked if he was going home and he said the nurse told him he needed to go back to class but that he still felt like he needed to throw up. I told him to go sit by the trash and take it easy. As he turns to head to the trash can it just all came out!! Everything he ate for breakfast (you know dairy products, cheese, cereal ... everything). It was all over the door and walkway (mind you the only entrance and exit to my humble little abode), a few backpacks, the chair next to the trash can BUT not a drop in the trash can. Of course I need to send him back out threw it which then makes all the kids start to scream and make fake vomit noises. All of this just minutes before it was time to leave for specials. So I had to orchestrate an escape route through the vomit. I pretty sure I would qualify for some sort of military route diversion team after that!!

Well that's all for now ... it is summer break after all :)

I'll pick up the blog again when the 2012-2013 school year begins!!