Friday, January 20, 2012

Hello Kitty and Whoppi

If you don't know who this bow-adorned feline is then you clearly have not been in my classroom. There are days that I feel like if I see another Hello Kitty t-shirt, necklace, stencil, pencil, keychain, lunchbox, figure, or the like I'll slit my wrists with a Hello Kitty ruler (mostly because it would be the sharpest thing I could find in my room). Yeah - she's cute and I'm sure totally cuddly but not really my thing. With that said, I have never paid close attention to the details of this cat. Today, it was brought to my attention that she has no mouth. One would think that the mouth is a pretty key feature to the face how could I have not noticed before. I think it's kind of like the fact that Whoppi Goldberg has no eyebrows.

If you didn't notice before you will now EVERY time you see her. It's just one of those things you would think you would notice but don't. Well let me tell you how I learned about the missing Hello Kitty mouth. This is a true story. Like I said before, I just can't make this stuff up. So I'm testing and the kiddos are enjoying free friday activities. One student is using a Hello Kitty stencil to clone this cat about 50 times over.

Kid#1: Hey - why doesn't Hello Kitty have a mouth? (a question we now all want to know the answer to)
Kid#2: Because it wasn't on the stencil. (Their logic blows my mind)
Kid#1: Well how can she meow? (Another excellent question)
Kid#3: It's a girl .... and a cat. (That answers it ... ???)
Kid#1: What? Cats meow. That doesn't make sense. I asked why she didn't have a mouth.
Kid#3: She had cancer.
Kid#2: No she didn't.
Kid#1: How does that mean she doesn't have a mouth.
Kid#3: It was mouth cancer. When the doctors took away the cancer they took away her mouth.
Kid#1: That's dumb!

Kids ... the very foundation of my daily entertainment!!

More stories to come .... time to start my weekend!

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